Monday, July 11, 2016

暑い〜( It's HOT~!)

If you’re from an area with mostly nice weather all year-round like California, you’re probably not used to hot and muggy weather. Before Japan, I never knew what it was like to stand outside for less than 5 minutes and be totally drenched in sweat (and not to mention more worried about my makeup!).

In Tokyo, the summer can get very very hot (~80F-100F) and 60-100% of the air humid. Basically, you sweat a lot easier and a lot faster when you are walking around Japan. Plus, since summer is also Japan’s rainy season (especially in June and August-September), there will be many rainy days.

Ways to beat the heat
Don’t let Japan’s humid weather stop you from enjoying your life. There are many ways to beat the heat and distract your mind from the humidity. Here are a few of my favorites:

  • Buying every drink (のみもの) available in the convenience stores (コンビニ) and vending machines (じどうはんばいき a.k.a. じはんき). The best thing about living in Tokyo is the convenience of just about everything. And this is especially important in the summer when you are suffering from the heat and need some a cold drink and some air conditioning. You can buy water and different kinds of juices, teas, and even coffee to quench your thirst.
Yummy Japanese drinks!

  • Trying every kind of ice cream available in the convenience stores! I love ice cream and it’s fun to pop into a convenience store and buy individual ice creams. This is nice for those of us who don’t want a whole “Costco-size” box of ice cream bars. Personally, I enjoy buying the Papico Chocolate Coffee (basically a bottle sized ice cream with yummy chocolate coffee flavor) and Garigari-kun (ガリガリ君)- a Japanese classic. Side note but for all of you Kingdom Hearts fans, doesn’t it look like the sea salt ice cream bar? :D
Chocolate coffee in a bottle!


  • Taking a day trip out to the beach. As a native Southern California girl, I have been to the beach many times in my life. I never realized how lucky I was until I moved to Japan.  For me, the beach would be an excruciating (SARCASM METER) 5 minute walk from my home. In Tokyo, the closest beach is about an hour away and a 640 yen (around $6) one way ticket. I recently went to Enoshima Beach (江ノ島) with my friend and spent a few hours relaxing and playing in the water. We even got the most delicious and authentic burgers we had ever eaten in Japan at Kua Aina. Sooo gooood!!!
Kua Aina's Pineapple Burger with avocado 
Welcome to Enoshima!

And just a friendly PSA note that you should always be careful of the heat no matter where you are. It’s fun to explore Tokyo and Japan in the summer but you should make sure you don’t get heat stroke. Regardless of what you’re doing, drink plenty of water and don’t feel embarrassed to step into the shade and take a break. It’s much more embarrassing if you pass out and need medical attention.

Have fun and stay safe in the summer while you are in Japan! See you~ またね〜!

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