Thursday, July 7, 2016

自己紹介... A little self introduction

Konnichiwa (こんにちは!)! Hello! I am Nicole, a fun-sized (it sounds better than "short" right?!) 5 foot Japanese American who is currently studying abroad at Waseda University (早稲田大学) in Tokyo, Japan. My top 3 favorite things in Japan are:

1. Green tea (and not to mention green tea desserts..drool..)

2. Rilakkuma and other kawaii (cute) things
Look! Green tea AND something kawaii! <3
3. and sashimi (raw fish... YUMMM!!!)

海鮮丼 (raw fish bowl) in 鳥取 (Tottori prefecture)

I like to call myself a foodie, photographer, and someone who likes to gain many experiences
and live in the moment. And I want to share my moments and experiences with those who love Japan and its culture and give some tips and advice to those who are thinking of studying/living in Japan.

私のブログへようこそ!(Welcome to my blog!)

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